Finitura Scopata (Swept Finish)

Step by Step
Finitura Scopata (Swept Finish)

Finitura Scopata (fin-eh-tour-ah sko-pa-tah), Italian for swept finish. Generations of masons and plasterers indeed sparked creativity in otherwise laborious trades. I wonder who first thought to stick a broom into the wet finish. Was it intentional or just a happy accident that happened while cleaning up one day? Perhaps the broom finish stuck because it served the dual function of practicality and esthetics.

Materials List:

Pro Toscana Base
• Flat Latex Paint – Taupe
Blue Steel Spatulas
• Pro Faux Mixer (Optional)
• Wallpaper Smoothing Brush
• ProFaux Stonewash Pigment – Sienna
• Chip Brush
ProFaux Zero Gloss Varnish

Application Method:

Prime the wall surface with acrylic or oil based flat primer sealer. No additional prep or sealing coats are required.
1. Tint the Pro Toscana Base with 25% latex paint (taupe) and mix well. (Pro Toscana is a premixed permanent hard, heavy texture for Old World looks and feel, similar to an exterior white concrete, this durable product contains a fine sharp aggregate. Ready to tint or apply. All Pro Toscana Base gallons can be tinted and stirred using a Pro Faux Mixer and power drill.
2. Use two clean Blue Steel Spatulas to trowel mixture on in uniform thickness. Work with a manageable area – 5 by 5 feet or so.
3. Use a clean wallpaper smoothing brush to apply texture to the wet mixture. Apply in sweeping, circular motions in a random way. Let the surface thoroughly dry before the next step.
4. Knock down dangerously heavy peaks on the surface with Blue Steel Spatula.
5. Mix Sienna Stonewash Pigment with water.
6. Gently and quickly apply pigment with chip brush (colorwash) in random patterns until surface is covered and pleasing to your eye! Note: For more control, paint the surface first with a coat of flat latex, color of choice. This is not necessary if you are delicate with your colorwash application
7. For wall areas, roll on a full coat of Zero Gloss Varnish for additional protection.

Variations on a theme.

Create subtle color variations by experimenting with various colorants, other Pro Toscana bases and concentration.

Color and Seal Toscana Finishes Using 2 Easy Methods:
Method 1 – Stain with the Pro Faux Stonewash Pigments using watery washes and cellulose sponges. Let dry 20 minutes to overnight. Protect Stonewash pigments by rolling-on a full coat of Pro Faux Acrylic Zero Gloss Varnish.
Method 2 – Mix Pro Faux Open-Time Glaze with latex paint color. Brush and roll. Remove excess with brushes or heavy rags.
Application: Thickness does not affect Pro Faux Toscana product. May be applied with tools such as brush, roller, spatula and trowel. Coverage: Varies widely depending upon application method. 25-175 sq.ft. per gallon.

Drying Time: Allow 2 hours to overnight, depending on film thickness (68 degrees @ 65% RH).

Clean Up & Disposal: Use hot water for application equipment. Do not dispose of any product in sewers, waterways or municipal garbage. Allow waste product to harden before disposal. If liquid disposal is necessary, contact your local municipality or paint store for instructions.

Here are the steps!

Finitura Scopata - Step 1
Finitura Scopata - Step 1
Step 1: After preparing and priming the surface, tint the Pro Toscana Base with 25% latex paint (taupe) and mix well. Use ProFaux Mixer for larger batches.

Finitura Scopata - Step 2
Step 2: Use two clean BLUE STEEL SPATULAS to spread out the material on the wall surface to a uniform thickness. (Use one spatula to hold the material and the other to apply it)

Finitura Scopata - Step 3
Step 3: Use a wallpaper smoothing brush to apply texture to wet material. Work in flowing, random patterns.

Finitura Scopata - Step 4
Step 4: Use Spatula, Float or other knock down tool to rid the surface of heavy peaks that may have dried.

Finitura Scopata - Step 5
Step 5: Mix Sienna Stonewash Pigment with water.

Finitura Scopata - Step 6
Step 6: Delicately apply the Sienna Stonewash Pigment to the surface in random patterns until it pleases your eye.

Finitura Scopata - Step 7
Step 7: For wall areas, roll on a coat of Zero Gloss Varnish.